Friday, January 29, 2010

Why use blogs in the classroom?

To be honest - before this class - I'd never thought about utilizing a blog in my classroom. Although I've blogged for several years, on a variety of topics, it's always felt more like a hobby, or something on the frivolous side. But this class is opening my eyes to how it could actually be beneficial to my students. I think I'm going to enjoy exploring this...

Some people think that blogging is a waste of a student's time. I would imagine those folks just don't have a full understanding of how blogging works. A blog creates a network and - many times - allows for a whole host of resources and interactive material to be shared concerning the curriculum that is just not possible within the scope of one class period. A teacher has the ability to continue "teaching" beyond the customary one hour a day or five hours per week, and students have the opportunity to ask questions and delve deeper into subjects that are of particular interest to them.

Since I'll be teaching secondary English, I can already think of several ways that I can utilize some of these technologies to support my curriculum and student learning. Podcasts, poetry blogs, and essay discussion boards are just a few that come to my mind right away. It makes sense to me to capitalize on technology; after all, that is what kids 'speak' these days. It should never replace traditional class room time, but I think it can greatly enhance a traditional learning experience, and in a safe and unimposing way for even the most timid of students.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

About Me

Well...I am FINALLY a senior at TAMU-Commerce and I could not be MORE excited about that! I'm an English major with secondary certification, and cannot wait to get in the classroom!

I'm married to Mike, who is my best friend and my partner in crime. We have three beautiful and wonderful kids - all grown - and are now enjoying The Empty Nest. When we're not working or in school, we love to travel and spend time with friends and family. Some of my hobbies are writing, reading, running, and scrapbooking.

I'm still not sure just how we're going to be using our blogs in this class, but it's already clear that C.K. is very passionate about technology in the classroom. I can't wait to see what she has in store for us!