Thursday, April 22, 2010

Approaching the end of the semester!

Well, just three weeks left in this semester; it has flown! I just finished the lesson plan using multiple intelligences. Since I am already writing a full teaching packet on The Chocolate Warby Robert Cormier, I decided to take one of those individual lessons and incorporate the various learning styles into it. I'm really pleased with the result; even MORE pleased that it's actually a lesson that I can use in the VERY NEAR FUTURE!

I tend to shy away from group projects, both from participating in them and from assigning them, but the group project in my lesson plan is fairly non-intimidating and accommodates all learning styles. Since it allows for the each student to use their strengths and then to - together - create a comic book depicting their thoughts and opinions on the novel, it allows for both group collaboration and individual thought.

ETEC 424 has been a LOT of fun and very instrumental in helping me realize ways to incorporate technology into my future curriculum. Programs that I would have normally not have thought twice about - like Wiki or Google sites - have instead shown me how I can use them effectively in the classroom with my students. In today's culture and fast-paced information world, it is imperative that teachers stay current in technology trends and how they can be incorporated into lesson plans.

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